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Home American Express 동방신기_東方神起_DbSk_TvXq_ThSk_GuAdAlAjArA_MeXiCo: 100522 ...

동방신기_東方神起_DbSk_TvXq_ThSk_GuAdAlAjArA_MeXiCo: 100522 ...

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The change that has been made in order to express the song properly and the dream of continuing to sing. A single that I have released as a singer that wants to show off a new side. Moving towards a new stage with the name, Xiah Junsu. As a singer that never stops moving forward, in the solo single "Xiah", he showcases music that contains the American R&B style as well as ballads that have a story line to it. "Being different from the usual Junsu, I have decided to use ... 동방신기_東方神起_DbSk_TvXq_T... -

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